Betekenis van:
call down

to call down
  • een inzameling houden; afhalen of inzamelen
  • summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic
"call down the spirits from the mountain"




to call down
  • beledigend spreken; ruzie maken; vuile taal spreken
  • censure severely or angrily




to call down
  • ongenoegen of afkeuring te kennen geven aan (iem.)
  • censure severely or angrily




to call down
  • voortoveren
  • summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic
"call down the spirits from the mountain"




to call down
  • toveren
  • summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic
"call down the spirits from the mountain"




to call down
  • toveren
  • summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic
"call down the spirits from the mountain"





call down


  1. The neighbors told us to quiet down last night or they would call the police.
  2. The neighbors will call the police if you don't turn the music down.
  3. Down there hurts, down there. Er, what do you call them? Testicles? In any case a male's 'important parts'.
  4. Call down dad is only a medical exam. Everything will be fine by the end of the week.
  5. Applications shall be made in the form specified, and in accordance with the criteria laid down, in the call for proposals.
  6. The selection panel shall assess the applications of the cities which responded to the call for submission of applications according to the criteria laid down in Article 4.
  7. The responsible authority shall ensure that projects awarded grants have been subject to a formal, technical and budgetary analysis and qualitative assessment applying the criteria laid down in the call for proposals.
  8. Nothing in these guidelines should be taken to call into question the compatibility of State aid measures which meet the criteria laid down in any other guidelines, frameworks or regulations adopted by the Authority.
  9. The Authorising Officer shall decide to whom the contract is to be awarded, in compliance with the selection and award criteria laid down in advance in the documents relating to the call for tenders and the procurement rules.
  10. Any proposals received after the deadline for receipt, any incomplete proposals or failing to meet the formal requirements laid down in the call for proposals will be excluded from participation in the Public Health Programme.
  11. Each call for submission of applications, aimed at the candidate cities for the title, shall refer to the criteria laid down in Article 4 and the guidance available on the Commission website.
  12. All applications or tenders declared by the opening board to satisfy the conditions laid down shall be evaluated, on the basis of the selection and award criteria laid down in advance in the documents relating to the call for tenders, by a committee appointed for this purpose with a view to proposing to whom the contract should be awarded.
  13. The Commission shall call for proposals to identify the actions referred to in paragraph 1 and shall assess the compliance of those proposals with the eligibility criteria laid down in Article 7 and the selection and award criteria laid down in Article 8.
  14. The Commission shall call for proposals to identify the actions referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article and shall assess the compliance of the proposals with the eligibility criteria laid down in Article 18 and the selection and award criteria laid down in Article 19.
  15. The Commission shall call for proposals to identify the actions referred to in paragraph 1 and shall assess the compliance of these proposals with the eligibility criteria laid down in Article 13 and the selection and award criteria laid down in Article 14.